July 2021

We are pleased that you are using AppicApp ("Appic")!

Your privacy and the protection of your personal data are very important to us and always will be. Therefore, we would like to transparently explain your relationship with ROKKHOPPER Innovations GmbH regarding your personal data. This applies to all AppicApp services.

When using AppicApp, no registration is necessary and therefore no personal data is required.

However, certain regulations may apply, which we would like to point out to you separately below.

Optional profile

AppicApp offers the possibility to fill in an optional profile. Here you can enter information about your state, gender, education, marital status, occupational situation, age, net household income and household size. These details support the companies in their target group analysis, but can in no way be linked to a person.


When Appic2Go is activated, we store GPS data for 24 hours. This data is only used for internal evaluations, is not passed on to third parties and cannot be linked to any person.


It is never necessary to provide personal data to participate in an AppicApp contest. An e-mail address is only required for the delivery of the price so that the price can be delivered to the correct person. As soon as the e-mail with the price has been sent, it will be deleted again immediately. Your e-mail address will not be stored under any circumstances.

We hope you have fun with AppicApp!